Why Choose the CNPR?

If at First You Don’t Succeed

It is important that you know this material, so we expect you to pass a challenging, comprehensive exam. It is much less important that you pass the exam the first time. That is why you can take the exam as many times as you need until you pass.


We provide the best value in online CNPR Certification training courses. When you finish the CNPR Certification training, you can feel comfortable having the knowledge to put these concepts into practice. You can also be confident that you made a sensible financial decision. We provide high-quality training materials and affordable price. Plus, you won’t need to take days off of work, pay for travel and
hotel expenses, or spend hours in a face-to-face, brick-and-mortar training session. 

Instant Certification

Immediately upon passing your exam you will be issued your industry CNPR Certification # and the NAPSR will also mail you a physical copy of your CNPR Certification which can then be framed and put you your wall or brag book.

Looking into different certifications? Click "Read More" for a list of the top 10 certifications.


We Are There When You Need Us

Still have questions? Call the NAPSR team at 800 672-9104 or go to
https://www.napsronline.org/contact-us/. The NAPSR is there to help you succeed!